
Seenel Imaging

Company | France


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Seenel Imaging, founded by Thomas Fontaine in 2018, develops diagnostic devices for brain imaging. Seenel Imaging was created further to the signature of an exclusive licensing agreement for MedelOpt® patents from 15 years of research by Professor Wallois, director of the GRAMFC lab (Joint Research Unit INSERM) since 2011. MedelOpt® has been launched on the market in Q2 2019.

Seenel Imaging aims to be the pioneer in neonatal and perinatal functional neuroimaging

At first, Seenel Imaging intends to launch the first neonatal brain disorder diagnostic device by 2022, SeenelOpt Neonate. In order to develop this disruptive technology, the company signed in January 2018 a new partnership with the GRAMFC. 
In the long term, it plans to implement Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms into the SeenelOpt Neonate. It will helps to identify early biomarkers of neurodevelopment, to improve SeenelOpt Neonat and also to start developing perinatal functional neuroimaging device, which should analyse a fetus. The company operates in a market estimated around €2.25 Bn worldwide. This potential market is divided into three activities : the neonatal activity, the fetus activity and the research activity.


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