
Seen-apps SCA

Company | Belgium


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How ?

  • Seen-apps confidentially collects people’s feelings and instantly connects them to a place geolocalized on a map  (places like companies, universities, associations, events).
  • See-apps helps to reveal the true causes behind the overall feelings of the place.
  • To do so, Seen-apps also balances the real-time feelings with contextualized data such as users' goal motivations and personnality traits.

Why ?

  • Seen-apps publicly shows the instant status of the overall feeling for each place.
  • Through a monthly subscription fee, Seen-apps offers to organizations detailed reports analyzing the evolution of the stakeholders' commitment trough time.
  • The reports oils the wheels of the management's decision making process because the decision-makers are instantly aware of their actions' impact on the stakeholders' commitment and trust.
  • Taking actions to increase the stakeholder's commitment and trust improves automatically the brand image.

Client testimonials :

  • Store manager : " Seen-apps has offered a place to our team where everyone can share its feelings freely through the anonymous profile. ... Thanks to the detailed reports, the management have been able to take the necessary decisions to unblock a conflictual situation."
  • Event speaker : "Seen-apps has highlighted the most appreciated topics during my lecture. It allowed me to adapt my communication approach in real-time to catch the maximum attention."


CRM - ERP - Company Social network

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