
Quintetto S.r.l

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Quintetto seeks to naturalize human integration in the digital world. The core asset, Letho, an Immersive Multimodal Interactive Communications Platform (IMICP) that provides; State-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI), Multiple in- and output mechanisms to enhance the man-machine modality & holographic mixed reality to create unparalleled experiences.

We deliver Intelligent digital signage (two-way communications), holographic telepresence, AI powered natural language processor, immersive multimodal rooms and mobile broadcast and conveyance unit. By providing a multimodal interactive communication platform with a set of intelligent peripheral stations; Quintetto delivers an unprecedented degree of intelligent automation into customer service & relationship management processes to increase user engagement, involvement and efficiency.

Founded in Aosta valley in 2005 by exceptional engineers. Summer 2017, was the beginning of the transformation from an R&D/project-sales to a pro-active global sales organization. The goal is to transform the way producers of goods and services communicate with their users.

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