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Op2Lysis develops O2L-001, the first medical treatment for patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage consecutive to hemorrhagic stroke, the most severe form of stroke, which affects more than 1.5 M patients every year worldwide.

O2L-001 is a powerful thrombolytic agent dedicated to intracerebral use through a minimally-invasive surgery procedure. It is packed in a sustained-release formulation to liquefy brain clots. It is expected to be (1) able to achieve hematoma evacuation better/faster with one unique local injection; (2) safer with an adjusted quantity of a non-proneurotoxic thrombolytic agent in the brain.

This simple procedure is aimed at decreasing death and disability in patients with a hemorrhagic stroke.

18 M€ are needed to initiate in Q3-2019 and achieve by Q4-2022 regulatory development and First-in-Patients (combined phase 1-2) clinical study, providing clinical proof of concept and ensuring readiness for Phase 3, with a high upfront value, which is estimated 150-250 M€.

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