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Omlis Limited

Company | United Kingdom

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Omlis Limited is a cybersecurity company established in 2016, based in the UK and with offices in Newcastle and London. Omlis has developed an authenticated security system called OASIS that brings a new level of security and control in the management of data connections between devices.  

The OASIS system is both software-only and standards-based and can either fully replace or supplement the incumbent technology of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and the 30 year old archaic protocols on which PKI relies.  

OASIS provides customers not only with a far more secure data connection that protects data at rest, in transit and in process, but also with a hard ROI from reduced fraud and maintenance costs that legacy PKI systems cannot deliver.

OASIS has obtained commercial traction in the verticals of payments, e-commerce and gaming with signed Heads of Terms for over 300k users which will equate to £1m ARR on delivery. In addition, owing to the advanced coding methodologies Omlis has used, OASIS is in discussions with military and other mission critical enterprise applications.

The technology has also been the subject of a 75 page review by a world renowned crypto professor who gave it a strong endorsement.

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