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About your organization / profile

We are a Belgium company based in Brussels capital of Europe, with a large international (France, Spain, Denmark, Finland Ireland, Portugal, Italian, Greece, Canada, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, USA, Mexico, Chili,) ambitious in the future.

We have a concept which is to develop solar projects as a total service EPC, O & M, optional financing. We do not install heavy solar panels on rooftop of houses residential buildings.

Strategy is niche technology, niche products, niche markets.

  • MWT cells as technology
  • Thin Solar Film as product
  • Markets not been served for the last 20 years

We bring solutions in case of technical limits, esthetical requirement and legal difficulties.

We focus on 10 different markets in the world is: industrial buildings low stability roofs, heritage buildings, public buildings, flat roofs, area sensitive to turbulences

Within those markets 3 of them are in floating assets:

  1. Solar on rooftop of buses
  2. Solar on rooftop of fridge trucks
  3. Solar on barges

The use of solar energy on those markets is not to drive with the bus, truck or barges.

The purpose is to safe fuel and reduce Co2 emissions at per operational vehicle.

Using solar energy on public buses can safe a average of 5 % of fuel and reduce with 4,5 Ton the Co2 emissions per operational bus.

Using solar energy on deepfreeze trucks can save up to 100 % of the fuel used to cool the fridge box on 9 meter and larger trucks, reduce with > 5 Ton Co2 emissions per fridge truck.

URGENT REQUEST: R&D project proposal (framework and funding tbd)

Scope of the partnership

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