

Company | France


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Kemwatt develops an innovative technology of redox flow batteries for the world market of stationary energy storage. A typical application is the storage of renewable energy (solar, wind), either off-grid for micro/mini-grid, or for grid services (load-shifting, peak-shaving, investment deferral...).

Because they store energy in liquids, redox flow batteries can store many hours of production at their rated power and have extremely long lifetimes (10+ years). This is particularly attractive for renewable energy storage applications: instead of multiplying the number of batteries, you just increase the amount of liquid in the tanks, resulting in a lower capex than with conventional batteries.

Kemwatt's specific chemistry, with organic molecules in non-corrosive alkaline aqueous solutions, leads to a simple, robust system, that can work steadily for years with little maintenance. With the same lifetime as the equipment it is connected to, such as solar farm or wind turbines, these batteries have a very low opex and are suitable for grid management applications in advanced economies, for instance, but also mini or micro-grids for rural electrification in emerging economies or islands.

Kemwatt has developed the technology at the industrial level and is now focusing on product development completion, upscaling and business development.

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