
Indicate Solutions


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Indicate Solutions, S.L. was set up in 2016 to exploit and commercialise the IP generated by the INDICATE (IN vitro DIagnostic CAncer TEst) project. The concept behind the INDICATE project was simple; to create a rapid nucleic acid test (NAT) as a single-use handheld POC device, similar in format and cost to pregnancy tests but used to detect actionable mutations of patients.


In other words, our objective is to be the ClearBlue™ of diagnostics. 


The INDICATE project  was originally conceived in 2013 by Charles Lawrie of Biodonostia, and Luis Liz-Marzán and Marek Gzelczak of CIC biomaGUNE in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. 

Indicate Solutions is dedicated to developing handheld economic single use rapid nucleic acid tests (NAT) in order to revolutionise current diagnostic practices. Imagine a scenario where patients can monitor their response to treatments and the progress of their diseases in the comfort of their own home, or at the pharmacy or in their local doctors surgery. Imagine being able to diagnose SARS-CoV-2, HIV or Ebola immediately just using Saliva and wherever and whenever you need, without the need for electricity or other infrastructure.

Tests is based on the same principles as the pregnancy test for which Indicate Solutions is now seeking funding to advance development to a pre-commercialisation stage.

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