
Hefring Marine


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We operate within the AI/ML, digital and maritime spaces, but our solution is an intelligent decision-support system to improve safety and efficiency in vessel operations. Hefring Marine was founded in Iceland in late 2018 as a spin-off from research into vessel motions, but we have since developed a solution that provides operators of small vessels and boats with intelligent operating assistance. It collects and processes data on vessel motions, speed, environment and systems to support operators with speed and heading decisions. The system always keeps a log of when, how and by whom a vessel has been operated. The solution helps to improve situation awareness and safety on board, reduces fuel consumption with smoother motions, improves monitoring and operational transparency, and helps with vessel lifecycle management and operating cost reduction. 

Our customers to date include the Icelandic Coast Guard, Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue and Norwegian Sea Rescue Society. While current customers are mostly from the commercial sector, we have also received interest and leads from the leisure and even unmanned vessel sectors, but the system is also being considered as an InsurTech solution. The first version was launched in 2020 as a hardware-enabled-service, covering hardware and subscription. Future versions will feature improved prediction, connected vessels, control systems interfacing and autonomy.

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