

Company | France


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Healsy develops the first predictive mobile service for continuous glucose levels monitoring that adapts to every patient’s physiology and habits. Our service is designed to help patient with diabetes assess precisely their insulin doses and best way to raise their blood sugar to avoid short to long term complications.

Patients with diabetes are always struggling to manage their blood glucose levels. To evaluate their sugar or insulin needs, they must process all the events and information that can have an impact on their glycaemia, such as past and current blood glucose levels, insulin injections, meal intakes, physical activities, emotional states, stress or fatigue, etc. The complexity of the process leads to errors and severe consequences (hypo/hyperglycaemia).

Our service is a decision support mobile application, which rely on a glyacemia predictive model calibrated on each patient, and perfectly integrated in the patient’s environment. It offers the following features:

  • Sync with off-the-shelf sensors;
  • Show blood sugar variations hours ahead thanks to our algorithms;
  • Alert on short/mid-term risks;
  • Calculate the optimal insulin bolus or sugar intake, based on the patient’s physiological state and past or current activities.

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