

Company | Tunisia


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About your organization

With jobbing and Fasteas, it is the job market that will make its revolution in Tunisia and Africa! The principle is simple: put in contact a "requester" (a person needing a helping hand for small DIY services, moving, gardening ...) and a "jobeur" (person with the skills and the time available) safely. An innovative model with the key to services provided for those who do not have the time or the skills to do everything themselves, and additional income and know-how that are developing for jobeurs. They are students, retirees, part-time employees, or people wishing to start their own business, craftsmen or businesses. The Fasteas application is open to individuals and professionals, regardless of their status. People can both offer and request service in different areas. The categories of services offered are for example: plumbing, electricity, air conditioning, courier, gardening, carpentry, transport, towing, cleaning, animals, multimedia, painting, etc


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