

Company | Tunisia


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FabSkill is a web platform offering an innovative recruitment process based on artificial intelligence, video interviews and collaborative rating of candidates.

Fabskill's objective is to face the problems related to job interviews:

On the candidate side:
- A better orientation of candidates based on artificial intelligence.
- Offer the same opportunities for candidates from inside the country or people with reduced mobility thanks to deferred and "live" video interviews, thus avoiding the problems of availability and travel.
- A "fair" and equitable process: All candidates will have the same chances of being selected since they answer the interviews under the same conditions. On the recruiter's side, the choice of the candidate is made thanks to the collaborative rating

On the recruiter's side:

- Digitalization of the recruitment process and return of an innovative employer brand.
- Reduce spam applications and facilitate the detection of good profiles thanks to artificial intelligence.
- Collaborative rating and sharing of applications to involve HR and/or operational teams from the pre-selection of candidates.
- A social dimension to the company by giving the image of a structure that saves considerable travel costs while saving time and limiting additional avoidable environmental emissions.
- Save time and money.

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