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EpiDisease SL

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Spain, València

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EpiDisease S.L. is a spin-off founded in 2014 by researchers from the Centre for Biomedical Network Research (CIBER-ISCIII) and the University of Valencia from Spain to offer society new applications and services based on the use of epigenetics.

We develop and commercialise a pipeline of epigenetic proprietary products for earlier and accurate diagnostic and prognostic of human diseases and epigenetic specialised services.


Our first product portfolio is intended for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional spine deformity with a progressive natural history in some patients that causes pain, aesthetic deformity,  alterations in pulmonary function, and psychological stress and is, therefore, an increasing concern for both patients and their relatives can reach severe spine curves producing painful spinal osteoarthritis. It affects 10 million adolescents between the ages of 10-17 years old globally. AIS has an estimated incidence of between 3% of new births globally. About 10% of AIS can progress towards severe outcome, which requires costly and risky surgery. To date, it is not possible to predict either spine deformity progression or efficacy of bracing treatments, so patients are followed up by multiple X-ray radiographs, an approach that increases the risk of cancer in adulthood. Moreover, X-rays have no prognostic capability, a fact that clearly underlines the need for developing new methods to improve AIS management.​

In response to this unmet medical need EpiDisease has developed three precision products based on genetic, epigenetic and AI-based platforms; ScoliGEN to identify patients with high risk of developing AIS, ScoliMIR to predict the risk of progression of the AIS spine deformity, and ScoliVIEW to robustly measure the degree of spine curvature from spine radiographs. 


Our second portfolio of products is directed towards sepsis, the body´s autoimmune reaction to a blood-borne pathogen. There are 50M confirmed cases of sepsis annually, 11M of which will result in death of the patient. EpiDisease has developed HISTSHOCK, a IVD test that detects a patented signature of circulating protein sepsis biomarkers in blood using the tandem mass technology platform. HISTSHOCK allows for the early diagnosis of sepsis, stratification of patients according sepsis severity and prognosis, and the dynamic monitoring of the patient's response to sepsis treatment interventions. 


Both portfolios of products have been used in hundreds of patients already. We are currently gathering data for CE certification, and hope to achieve EU market access authorisation and commercialisation in 2026.


Epigenetics services

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Adolescent Scoliosis Idiopathic prognostic kit Distributors

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