Elements Works
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About your organization / profile
Elements Works is an innovative SME based in Pisa, Italy. It has developed several technologies and processes in the marine engineering sector.
Elements Works has developed the netH2O personal smart buoy as a first example of an advanced IoT and Edge technology which can benefit all communities close to the sea, a river or a lake.
Previously, Elements Works developed the Underwater Precision cultivation system, the Stingerbend underwater barrier and the Smart Mini Barge, a 4 tonnes semi-autinomous surface vehicle for precise underwater positioning of small to medium weights (up to 1500Kg).
Elements Works specialises also in marine and underwater works and scientific activities with a high technological content: we can perform environmental studies, from precision bathymetries to state or the art hydroacoustic measurements to visual census by scientific divers. We are one of the very few operators worldwide which can boast actual field experience in installation, operations and maintenance of wave energy converters.
Partners search
See detailed informationsLooking for technology partners to supply payload for our netH2O buoy and our Swimmbo marine drone