
Electrify Network

Company | France

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Electrify Network team harnessed the opportunity and the challenge presented to empower people through digital technology, in a community economy, to freely and efficiently produce and consume, and securely trade green electricity in a decentralized network. Electrify network will provide the most reliable, efficient, and secure technical solution for decentralized grid management and peer to peer trading of electricity.

The team is led by a diverse and experienced team coming from energy, cryptocurrencies, IT, IoT, entrepreneurship, legal and business development  backgrounds, and advised by world-recognized specialists holding shares and interest in the Company.


We have a team of 12 people from 3 different countries :

  • IoT : 3 PhD profiles

  • Energy: 2 engineering profiles

  • IT: 2 engineering profiles & architect & UX design

  • Finance: A chartered account & PhD profile

  • Legal: law specialist

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