

Company | France


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Spin-off of a R&D and clinical French Laboratoy (Montpellier CHU), Diag2Tec is an expert preclinical CRO devoted to hematological cancers, especially to Multiple Myeloma (MM), Diffuse Large B Cells Lymphoma (DLBCL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

We ensure optimization of customer's drug candidates into hematological cancers to bring more effective drugs to market. We improve the success of your human clinical trials before they start.

What we promise :
►  Accelerate Hits and Leads optimization on Hematological Cancers (MM, DLBCL, AML)
►Improve patient stratification for your clinical trials success
►Improve your FDA/EMA fast track approval
►Enhance ratio Cost / efficiency of your drug candidate development

To improve, your time to market, positioning and market share and your revenue

►  Diag2Tec offers to oncologists, to improve diagnosis and treatment strategies to develop precision medicine in hematological malignancies.

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