
Data Integrated Limited

Company | Kenya


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About your organization

Data Integrated Limited (DIL) is a Kenyan owned ICT company founded in 2012 to help automate & digitize small and medium scale enterprises in Africa. We believe that
SME’s will realize their financial goals sooner by deploying modern technology.
We are committed to giving efficient service, seamless customer experiences and user-friendly digital solutions that secure clients resources and make operations and transparency in payments as simple as possible. Our solutions are in hardware and software; localized for the African market challenges such as cash leakages, lack of transparency and poor record keeping.

Our main Branded solutions are:

1)  Mobitill Epesi – Smart Public Transport

2)  MobiTill - Payment system

 Our flagship solution is in public transport. In Kenya and most of the African region, public transport is fragmented and privately owned, buses are organized into Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) and are branded by the same bus SACCOs. These SACCO's act like micro financing institutions in most cases, giving loans and financing to the bus owners and employees. By adopting our services, bus owners realise higher incomes, employment of drivers and conductors is formalized, and passenger commute experience is enhanced.
Our vision is to provide innovative payment solutions by digitizing and aggregating public
transport industry to improve its efficiency and formalization of business operations including logistics and payments in Kenya and beyond.

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