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CRIAM - Launching the Only Portable Point-of-Care Diagnostic Platform providing rapid blood analysis that can be used anywhere

CRIAM (http://www.criamtech.com) is a patented portable in vitro diagnostic
company providing rapid analysis for blood-type, sub-type, diseases and nutrients.
The device can be used anywhere and in multiple scenarios such as inside an
emergency vehicle while moving or in hard-to-reach locations without internet or
power. Regardless of the big advantages of extreme portability, our device still
shines on accuracy when compared to much bulkier and expensive devices that are
limited to operate in big laboratories or hospital environment. Thanks to our
machine learning and computer vision technology the device is more than five times
faster and, at least, 10x more affordable than in-house hospitals diagnostics
while maintaining an accuracy of 99.77% (higher than the actual gold standard).
The company won the Top EU 50 most Innovative Company Award from the EU, Seal Of
Excellence from the European Commission and the Rising Start Award in Panacea
Stars (Oxford Accelerator).

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