
Cell and Soft


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About your organization / profile

Cell and Soft is a biotech that develops, produces and sells soft culture plates for in vitro cell culture.  

Most of the cell-based assays performed in research laboratories, pharmaceutical industries or screening platforms are operated on plastic dishes which rigidities are a billion times stiffer than the in vivo environment. This shortcoming is a true limitation, as many studies have proved that the mechanical properties of the microenvironment deeply impact almost every aspect of cell behavior. Thus biological results obtained from standard cell culture assays are biased by the lack of mechanical relevance of the in vitro culture devices.

Cell & Soft fills this gap by providing ready-to-use mechano-mimetic culture plates that imitate the mechanical properties of the in vivo microenvironment. Using technologies derived from the microelectronic field, Cell and Soft elaborates soft, elastic and flat hydrogels which can exhibit either uniform or patterned rigidity properties. Cell & Soft culture plates are delivered pre-coated and we guarantee a full control of the surface chemistry.

Cell and Soft culture plates have identical handling and use as standard plastic plates. Consumers can perform cell-based assays and any downstream analysis as in ordinary devices. They are compatible with microscopic imaging, time-lapse experiment and screening platforms robots, and are available from BP35 dishes to 96 wells microplates.

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Recent activities


Cell and Soft is now a member of the TechGlow EU community.


Cell and Soft has been awarded the Women TechEU  label.