About your organization / profile

500k drivers die each year. 70% of accidents are caused by invisibility and dangerous behaviours. The mission of Casky's team is to make commuting safer and smarter, by leveraging:

1/ Mobile app

Automatically detects the accident and notify emergency and family. Yearly subscription.

2/ IoT devices 

2.1/ External device (one shot).

2.2/ Internal device (embedded inside the motorcycle) Over B2B motor distributors.

The two devices automatically report the accident, notify emergency/family and analyze the driver's behavior and provide the best coaching over the mobile app. Oneshot+Monthly subscription.

3/ MaaS platform (Mobility as a Service) 

A monthly subscription over which partners can track their fleets, fuel/battery consumption and delivery men behavior in real-time. Monthly subscription.

The team behind Casky;

Abid KHIRANI, CEO/Founder. More than 19 years developing successful IT services, software conception and cross platform strategies to international institutions, such as TF1.fr, L'Oréal, Hachette, CCI, TV5Monde, ZDNet.de, Cnet.de...

Achraf OUKHEIR, CTO. IOT embedded systems engineer, His mission is R&D. Very proud to bring his Canadian experience and knowledge to save lives in Africa.

The market is just huge: more than 5.3 billions motorcycles world wide.

Casky is raising funds to extend to Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and France.



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