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Company | France


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CALIXAR, is a French biotech company specialized in the functional and native isolation of complex therapeutic targets and antigens.


We develop and implement chemistry and biochemistry tools to isolate in solution - with the highest purity levels - full-length membrane proteins, while keeping their structural and functional integrity. Our approach represents the opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to start and work with high quality targets or antigens before developing antibodies, formulating vaccines and/or discovering a primary lead through Structure Based Drug Design or High Throughput Screening assays.


As membrane proteins represent more than 60% of pharmaceuticals drug targets, to keep their native conformation during the extraction from membrane cells and solubilization is crucial within the process of targets selection.


Our technological platform preserves the original structure of membrane proteins such as GPCRs, Ion channels, Transporters, Viral targets, enzymes, etc.) or others native receptors acting as drug targets or antigens. As a result, this most accurate targeting helps biotechs, academic teams, pharmaceutical industries to develop highly potential drugs, bio drugs and vaccines and consequently saves significant time and money in further clinical stages.


CALIXAR sets up specific R&D programs with its customers using classical and flexible business model: Fee for service, Risk sharing, Exclusivity option and Licensing out.


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