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We are a technological company created to implement an innovative plastic recycling process able to remove the ink from plastic surfaces in recycling and converting companies. The result that we obtain is a recycled plastic with the same properties than the virgin plastic. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a Circular Economy and avoid the plastic to become a waste.

The patented process that we use is not just 5 times less pollutant than the production of virgin plastic, but is also 45% cheaper. The product that we obtain has a quality similar to the virgin plastic. It can therefore be used in the same applications as a new material. Cadel Deinking owns a deinking plant where has demonstrated the viability of the deinking technology with different inks (solvent base, water base, UV...) and different type of materials (LDPE, HDPE, OPP, PET... both in flexible and rigid plastic).

Our project has been awarded with the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission. Furthermore, our project has been granted with over €1M of financial aid from the European Commission (Horizon 2020). The high- quality recycled material delaminated and deinked with Cadel's technology has been awarded with the Blue Angel certification, which represents a clear competitive advantage.



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