
BYO Networks

Company | France




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BYO Networks is developping Software Defined Network solutions for smart network infrastructures (Cloud, IOT) and for business IT systems.

BYO Networks solutions make IT system integration and mobility easier and  reduce total cost of ownership of your network solution. BYO Networks solutions unleash the service producers from Cloud and Telco Operators.

Using its patented technology for Network virtualization, BYO Networks intend to promote easy to use NFVs for fully virtualized and automated networks.

WIth his innovative solutiosn BYO Networks allows high disponilbility and mobilité in your IT infrastructure, without being tied to your Telco operator or Cloud Operator.

NFV/SDN technology are now available, but use cases are not yet awarded by the market.

To identify the most valuable uses for his customers BYO Networks intend to propose an easy to use plateform providing all the required NFVs.

BYO Networks would be able to identify the quickest emerging needs and to address a community of users to promote his technology and SDN/NFVs and to address this market at early stage.


Le Projet CARP

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