BroadBit Batteries
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Battery performance and cost are limiting factors in many applications from mobile devices and electric vehicles to grid storage. Traditional battery technologies based on Lithium-ion are reaching their technological and raw material limits and so cannot enable the 100x market growth predicted to meet future EV and grid storage needs.
BroadBit has invented and is commercializing breakthrough sodium chloride (table salt) based battery innovations replacing and surpassing current lithium based batteries in terms of cost, energy, sustainability and scalability; making electric cars cheaper and better performing, grid storage economically attractive and even enabling electric airplanes. BroadBit's batteries are exceptionally fast charging and have high energy per weight and low material and manufacturing costs.
For brand manufacturers, BroadBit sells in-house produced battery components for assembly or licenses its battery chemistry, structure and manufacturing technologies. For others, BroadBit sells 3rd party / white-label assembled batteries directly or via distribution partners. BroadBit's components are scalably made by simple roll-to-roll processing. BroadBit outsources the most labor and capex intensive part of manufacturing, battery and pack assembly, while maintaining control over its key component IP and knowhow.
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Recent activities

BroadBit Batteries is now a member of the EIC ACCESS+ community.

BroadBit Batteries is now a member of the EIC Ecosystem Partnerships and Co-Investment Support Programme community.