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Blue Danube Robotics GmbH

Company | Austria

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Blue Danube Robotics focuses on safe human robot collaboration in mass production. The company produces state of the art safety solutions for robots, cobots, End-of-Arm-Tooling (EOAT), AGVs and general moving machinery.  These safety solutions make robots safe for humans and thus efficient for enterprises.


The patented AIRSKIN® by Blue Danube Robotics is a pressure sensitive skin for robots.


  • mounted simply and directly onto the robot
  • available for almost any robot and application
  • the only solution for End of Arm Tooling (EOAT)

The main advantages for our clients are:

  • they need less space, they save up to 90% floor space
  • they can run their production cycles much faster
  • they get a full certified safety solution

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