

Company | France

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Ophthalmic pharmaceuticals can traditionally be delivered to the eye through 2 ways:


1- Several times a day eyedrops for front-of-the-eye diseases (e.g Glaucoma) with imprecise dosing & compliance issues, or

2- Repeated intraocular injections for back-of-the-eye diseases (Retina) that are invasive, costly & need an ophthalmologist intervention.


BIOPHTA develops a novel, non-invasive & self-applicable pharmaceutical form that will become the new standard of care to replace eye drops and injections. Our biopolymers-based drug delivery technology provides controlled & sustained drug release for 7 days: it is the only topical treatment that displays a weekly application scheme. Additionally, it significantly increases drug absorption by the eye, unlike any other conventional topical therapy.


It is the first time that the Retina can be treated continuously over a one-week prolonged period of time without the need for intra-ocular injections (self-application). This unique alternative to eye drops & injections is a major disruption in eye treatment.

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