

Company | France

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Patients and patient's cells are at the heart of our strategy. evidenceFactory® is a technology that allows to measure the molecular defect responsible for a disease in the patient's cells to identify molecules that specifically target the faulty mechanism. evidenceFactory® uses many advanced techniques, the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team and a unique library of repurposable molecules. From unmodified cells of a patient, we test thousands of compounds in few days. In the context of individual clinical trials, the patient can immediately take advantage of the new treatment. The population of responders to the new treatment is then expanded and Apteeus is in charge of making the active ingredient, a new drug dosage and form adapted to the new indication. This approach, totally original, coupled to repositioning, is faster, cheaper, less risky than developing new molecules and represents a unique solution to the hard pharmaco-economic equation of rare diseases.

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