

Company | Belgium


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anticip is a Premium ICT staffing platform.

We help companies who break the code {s} to find the right talents (developers/sales) to maintain their growth.

In a few words 👌:

  • We work mainly with startups/scale-ups ⚡🚀 in Belgium.
  • We will help our client to find the perfect match 🎯 with our best talents 💪 on IT/Digital profiles.
  • We screen and evaluate 📈 the veracity of the candidates technical skills with technical tests such as multiple choice and coding tests 💻 .
  • We also asset if the personality of the candidate (soft skills) could fit with your company culture and your needs.
  • Every recruitment is done 100% online from the the screening phase till the contracting.
  • No match means no deal. Besides, our remuneration is a flat fee 💵.
  • We offer a 6 months guarantee 🚑  for every hired profile on the top of that our retention rate🔒 is  excellent (96%).





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