
Altreonic NV

Company | Belgium

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Kurt.energy is the latest activity of Altreonic NV. During the development of the electric vehicles serious practical limitations were found with the use of Lithium-ion batteries. Unless expensive battery management and thermal control are used, such batteries cannot reliably and safely be used. In addition freezing temperatures as well as at typical warm summer temperatures pose serious challenges. They are expensive, have a limited lifetime, can't charge very fast and worst, they have a tendency to burst into very hard to extinguish fires. This observation resulted into a search for a better alternative, which was found at the Battery Show (Hannover, May 2018). Toomen New Energy from Shenzhen showed a novel type of carbon based supercapacitor with the energy density of typical Lithium-ion batteries. The latter is a game-changing improvement vs. traditional lithium based supercapacitors (20 to 30 times more energy) and vs. advanced lithium-ion battery cells (works from -40 °C to +80°C, charges and discharges upto 20 times faster, 10 to 100 times longer lifetime, simpler to use and no risk of burning). See www.kurt.energy for details.

Contract manufacturing of light electric vehicles in volume

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