
Agristarbio, Environmental Solutions

Company  |
Portugal, Lisbon




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About your organization / profile

Founded in 2016, Agristarbio wants to develop the best solutions for the production of sustainable organomineral fertilizer from organic waste creating the most economic value to its customers and being profitable at the same time.

Agristarbio’s vision is to be a global reference in the production of sustainable, high quality organo-mineral fertiliser from organic waste, adding profitability and economic sustainability to the environmental one.

With this mindset, Agristarbio developed the innovative, ground-breaking environmental-friendly technology that transforms organic waste into a game changing efficient organomineral fertiliser without any CO2 or CH4 emissions in the process.

Agristarbio personifies circular economy and sustainability, it is perfectly aligned with the Green Deal and reduces EU's dependence on polluting low efficiency chemical fertilisers, allowing a transition into circular economies and sustainable agricultural production.


Agristarbio is based in Lisbon and currently has 7 team members. So far the company has raised €1.310k in funds, which were used to develop and validate the demo of its Biosolids Treatment System (BTSys) at ALTRI paper pulp factory which constituted the best demonstration of the technology in a relevant industrial environment (TRL8) so far. 


At this moment Agristarbio has submited the factory project to municipality and Environmental Agency for aproval. The terrain is defined, the renting signed and the 10 year contract with the waste producer/ host of the unit has been closed. It implies receiving 15€/ ton of waste processed (24.000 ton/ year) and the purchase of 3.000 ton of fertilizer by ALTRI to use in thier forests, all worth 2.5m€ yearly.


The factory will produce a total 10.000 ton fertilizer a year worth ~7 million€


Other oportunities in Germany (Sugar industry), Belgium (Beer/ brewery) are under evaluation. The first one, alone stands for 300.000 tons/ year, worth roughly 21m€/ year. The first pilot factory aalone would produce 120kton of fertilizer, worth 85m€/ year.


Scope of the partnership

Fertilizer distributors in EU

Type of partnership
Scope of the partnership

Network (1)