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SPIN - Ricerca Innovazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico

Business Support Network  |
Italy, Rende


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About your organization / profile

SPIN is a company operating in the field of innovation & technology transfer, internationalization, business consulting, local development and information systems.

SPIN’s mission is to help SMEs and research groups to develop and exploit their business, innovation and internationalization potential. It supports the innovation and technology transfer processes of SMEs and research groups and works in the ICT sector, designing and producing information and application systems.
Through technology audits, feasibility studies, business evaluation, networking and project management services, SPIN supports companies and researchers during the implementation of R&D and innovation projects.
In collaboration with other partners, SPIN also supports companies and start-ups in projects, actions and visions with an important economic and social impact, providing assistance through financial, network and business skills.

SPIN was a member of Innovation Relay Centre MEDIA from 2001 to 2008 and has joined Enterprise Europe Network since its constitution until today.

SPIN, as a member of Enterprise Europe Network, supports transnational technology transfer processes and supplies a complete range of partnering and advisory services tailored to help SMEs to improve their competitiveness and to help research groups to find industrial and academic partners.

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