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Published at Monday, May 4, 2020 12:52 PM on the Seasy - Making Sea Life Easy organization's page

Seasy COVID-19 Strategy



To the UNWTO,

The outbreak of COVID-19 has put the world to a temporary halt and poses a global challenge, as almost every country has taken a big hit. Travel restrictions, closed borders and uncertainty have caused tourism to be one of the most affected sectors ( In an effort to support the recovery of tourism, Seasy has made it a priority to figure out the right strategy to minimize the disruptive effects of COVID-19 on the nautical sector in the future.

Estimations by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) assume a 20 to 30 percent decline of international tourist arrivals. Nautical tourism is mainly composed of small and medium businesses (SMBs) that are dependent on the revenue they make from travelers. Therefore, without public subsidies, they currently have minimal chance of survival. Tourism is a major job creator and if the travel industry does not get special support, an abundance of jobs is going to be at risk.

As a start-up in the sailing industry – an industry with the potential of massive returns – Seasy focuses on boosting tourism in the coastal areas. Nautical tourists bring up to 10 times more revenue than a normal tourist, meaning that nautical-related businesses are heavily reliant on their presence.

During difficult times, it is always necessary to have close collaborations. We at Seasy are currently working on creating strong partnerships with marinas and sailing clubs. This will allow us to innovate the boating industry. By digitizing and optimizing booking processes, we will connect sailors and marinas on a new level in order to help restart sailing tourism. Working along the guidelines of the European Commission, EBI and UNWTO, we will support tourism.




Niklas Baumgartner

CEO Seasy 



Covid-19 Nautical Tourism Strategy


DATE 27/04/2020

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