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About the label

ifetech.brussels: 1 mission. 3 goals.

Our mission consists in facilitating the development of projects related to the health and health care sectors in the Brussels Capital region. We have developed a series of services around 3 main objectives:


One of the major objectives of lifetech.brussels consists in stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship in the health sector.


By offering ad-hoc support to innovative company/project members in order to allow them to well expand. It also includes challenging business plan, informing about financing options according to the stage of the project, helping to build R&D project, informing about intellectual property protection options…



lifetech.brussels’s actions envision the consolidation of the ecosystem by bringing closer different industry stakeholders.


By organizing seminars, networking events and international missions, and making sure that all opportunities and relevant information is transmitted via a platform and a newsletter, whilst promoting member activities.



lifetech.brussels highlights the R&D activities and clinical competences of the Brussels Capital region’s institutions.


By spreading the newsletter amongst their members and by publishing background articles on relevant topics in the industry.

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