
Diaspora & Business

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About the label

ANIMA offers expertise in economic development and cooperation, investment promotion and impact management, territorial marketing, innovation development and resource mobilization of expatriate talents in several regions: Maghreb, Mashrek, France, Europe, Africa.


For the past 15 years, ANIMA has deployed and tested a set of actions aiming at fostering diaspora investment in all its forms in several countries and has accompanied national actors to collaborate with diaspora talents in a coordinated manner and within the framework of concerted strategies. 


Several initiatives to which ANIMA has contributed remain references in this field: PACEIM, FARO (Seed, Implementation and Guidance Fund), DIAMED, MedGeneration, LECAP, DiafrikInvest or D4D, among others.


The latest of these is MEET Africa 2, and more specifically the development of the African Diaspora's entrepreneurial guidance and information platform, the Hub MEET Africa.


A pioneer in promoting the role of the diaspora in the economic and human development of territories, the network has been collaborating since 2005 with investment promotion agencies to develop strategies and services for expatriate talent and skills, with a view to mobilizing them in the service of their home country. 

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