

Company | Belgium


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thinkITsmart is a Belgian startup founded by 4 experienced entrepreneurs.


We are developing MeetSquare, an innovative collaborative network to help companies easily exchange data and cooperate with their partners on common projects, meetings, tenders, correspondence etc, with respect to their data and securty policies and current process and tools.


MeetSquare is a data bridge where the information remains at the source, centralized on a virtual workspace and automatically made available to the authorized partners on their own information systems at any location (cloud, on-premise).


We guarantee the highest level of security along the collaboration path. MeetSquare benefits from current Content Management Systems of the companies. As a result it doesn't store any content nor sensistive data.


We also deliver the features to simplify the most common applications of collaboration between companies such as content sharing and the management of projects, meetings, correspondence, planning and tenders.

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