
myBrain Technologies

Company | France

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Spin-off created at the brain institute based at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, myBrain Technologies is developing a brain data platform and technological solutions based on the latest advances in neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

The company's objective is to analyze human brain activity on a large scale in order to identify and exploit neuro-markers linked to specific brain processes (stress, relaxation, focus, emotions, breathing) in the market of well-being and mental health.

The first product is a revolutionary solution for training your brain in a fun way to better manage stress. Based on neurofeedback, the technology allows everyone to listen to their brain and gradually learn how to optimize their deep relaxation capacity. In the expansion phase, the company has just rolled out these products in 2020 in France and abroad with its privileged partner Nature & Découvertes (FNAC-DARTY group) and via its e-shop and on Amazon.

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