

Company | Belgium


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iFLUX delivers the next generation groundwater monitoring solutions, based on a real-time IoT sensor network and integrated data system, using artificial intelligence to improve environmental risk assessment by visualizing and integrating the dynamics of groundwater and groundwater pollution.

Core technology is our newly developed groundwater sensing probe which monitors low-flow conditions, combining water levels and infiltration rates with accurate and real-time pollution measurements. The ability to detect groundwater fluxes in the range of 0,5-500 cm/day, multidirectional, makes it unique in the market.

In addition, our passive groundwater sampler collects & analyses groundwater pollution concentrations and mobility for 127 pollutants incl. organics, metals, nutrients and emerging contaminants like PFAS or pesticides.

Data is managed and calibrated through our FLUXeye IoT data platform, including intelligent processing and a customer dashboard that visualizes the data and fulfills the clients’ needs.

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