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Zicla is a company that specializes in the innovation of recycled products and waste management.


We help other companies and organizations to turn their waste problem into a business opportunity that is dedicated to the environmental improvement of their operations.


We develop, design, promote and sell quality recycled products, all of which are innovative, competitive and based on the concepts of a recycled product life cycle.


We consider the “waste problem” to be the driving force that will help to transform the environmental management approach into a global solution; in other words, a more environmentally and socially committed way of thinking.


This gives us a great opportunity to improve, reduce costs, and above all, to make a difference.


In Zicla, we carry out extensive research on waste, companies, technologies and markets.


We utilize all this knowledge in our projects taking advantage of the great synergy that exists among the companies, the industrial / service sectors and people. Our key tools are design and innovation, using the market as the main driver for the “recycling train”.


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