
VLC Photonics

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VLC Photonics is a company specialized in the development of solutions for different markets (mainly telecommunications) making use of Photonic integrated technology. This technology, similar to electronic integration technology, allows the miniaturization of complete optical systems in a photonic microchip, where light is used to generate, process, transmit and detect information. The advantages offered by this technology are a dramatic reduction in size, weight and cost, improving performance and stability compared to traditional optical systems.

As a main activity, the company is dedicated to designing and characterizing / testing customized optical ICs for all types of applications, outsourcing their manufacturing and encapsulation to different international suppliers. VLC Photonics collaborates with multiple chip manufacturers on different optical materials: Silica, Silicon, Nitride, Indium Phosphide, etc. In addition, VLC Photonics provides consulting services or optical integration engineering, and develops optical design software manuals and kits for photonic chip manufacturers.

The company was born in 2011 as a spin-off of the Technical University of Valencia (UPV) and has a labour force of 14. The company was born international and nowadays over 96% of its revenue comes from outside of Spain.

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