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Company | Slovenia

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Tosla, a food start-up from Slovenia, is an innovator in the sweeteners industry. Building on the consumer's demand for natural products we deliver clean nutritional solutions.

Innovation is in our DNA. 

Tosla's project SLADCORE™ aims to further develop a new generation of sucrose with 40 percent greater sweetness than table sugar. The technology uses a natural modification of sucrose structure. SLADCORE™ is both a transformational technology process and the novelty food it produces.

SLADCORE™'s innovative approach is based on the principle that “fixing sugar is better than replacing it«.

Through structural modification of table sugar, the SLADCORE™ team has invented a plug-n-play disruptive technology to improve the expected benefits of sucrose and achieve magnified industrial results.  

The newly improved table sugar is now SLADCORE™, a novelty ingredient project.

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