
SparkMeter, Inc.

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SparkMeter offers grid-management solutions that enable utilities in emerging markets to run financially sustainable, efficient, and reliable systems.

Our products and services improve the performance and value of your grid. From flexible metering devices to intuitive software that allows remote management of grid performance, all our products are designed to help you bring electricity to those who need it most – low-consumption and low-income households and businesses.

International impact, remote experience. 

Our team has decades of experience in utility and systems operation around the world. SparkMeter’s team is committed to increasing access to electricity in under-served communities. We design, build and refine the technology to help utilities manage and run sustainable and high-quality power systems and businesses that can unlock and create opportunities in these communities. 

Unlike companies that provide just a meter, SparkMeter provides a complete smart grid solution tailor-fit to the evolving challenges of operating utilities in emerging markets. 

How does SparkMeter do this?

At SparkMeter we deliver world-class applications for electric utilities operating in hard-to-reach places and under-served markets. We do this through:

  • Intuitive technology for low-bandwidth and intermittent-power environments.
  • Powerful flexibility to meet unique business cases and operational models.
  • Scalable systems that start big or small and grow easily.


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