
Solight LTD

Company | Haifa, Israel


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Solight developed a highly efficient, fully static, patented, solar collector delivering healthy, energy saving sunlight indoors; with unparalleled flexibility and price/performance.

SOLIS Industrial - 30,000 Lumens typically lights 50 sqm; 20m Max transport; suitable for industrial, commercial, retail, schools, hospitals.

SOLIS Versa - 7,000 Lumens Typically lights 15 sqm; 5m Max transport; domestic/residential solution.

SOLIS Mini - 2,000 Lumens Do It Yourself, Shipped online solution for egress basement windows and small off-grid homes.

All SOLIS models deliver constant full visible spectrum lighting from 08:00 till 16:00, with controlled heat or UV, offering the multiple recognized benefits of natural lighting, with electricity savings of up to 40%.


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