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SimpleCloud is a Workspace as a Service solution, enabling instant Remote and Hybrid Work, even for the most demanding tasks. It is uniquely automated and comprehensive thanks to SimpleCloud proprietary technology and leverages IBM Cloud, vmware & nVDIA to create complete environments including powerful Virtual Desktops (DaaS) and seamless access to High Performance Computing Services (HPCaaS). The solution is:

• Easy: it is end-user focused and can be easily set up by non-IT users in less than 30 mn.

• Efficient & Powerful: it offers the highest performance for the most demanding projects (with unique automation level and low latency solutions for distributed teams).

• Collaborative: it enables easy and efficient remote collaboration from anywhere with unique workflows and tools.

• Flexible: it fully adapts to your needs with high customization levels and the ability to adjust your machine profiles in less than 60 seconds.

• Secure: it offers fully secure access and data privacy.

• Predictable: costs are clear and always under your control.


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