
Shuttle Planet

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Shuttle Planet is designed from the ground up with the fundamentals of transportation in mind in order to enable our customers seamless, low-cost, and safe on-demand travel while also increasing vehicle occupancy and transporter profit.

We connect people and businesses to enable vehicle agnostic (From cars, shuttles, buses to self-driving cars and air mobility/drones) shared on-demand travel whenever and wherever, for the lowest price possible.

A demand-responsive buyer pick & double commit hybrid long-distance passenger transport marketplace aggregating scheduled transportation, or if none available aggregating the demand. Shuttle Planet bridges the gap between shared on-demand and scheduled regular and irregular transportation and is built for and with transport SMB's in mind, but also enterprise-capable and AV (Self-Driving) vehicle ready through an API.

Pax Transport Companies

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Offer on-demand shared and private transport to your customers!

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