

Company | Switzerland

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Founded in 2015, Securaxis is a Swiss startup based in Geneva. 

Leveraging new technologies we first successfully created and marketed a web and mobile enabled ecosystem for orienting travelers towards safety in hostile environment. Both co-founders have a track record of working in war zones and hazardous context. 

After an hackathon with CERN (Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire) we pivoted to sounds analytics, first for safety & security, then me moved into smart cities as traction was driving us there. 

Today our team is 8 people strong with data scientists, acousticians, developers. Our smart acoustic monitoring solution is present in 6 cities in Europe, with 5 more to come before the end of the year. 

Securaxis technology combines Acoustic with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI- RNN) and data science to add the missing layer to smart cities: the hearing, sounds analytics.

Sounds analytics allows for detection, geolocation, recognition and categorization of specific sounds in any kind of environment, for real time updates and alerts and data analytics. 

Securaxis sounds analytics focuses on uses for smart cities, with proprietary use case base and in house labelled data sets and dedicated models, for applications such as traffic monitoring, traffic based lighting, safety and security. 

With no recording and with edge computing, sounds are processed at sensor level allowing to respect citizens' privacy and to reduce data transfer and data storage costs.


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