
Seawind Ocean Technology BV

Company | Netherlands

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Seawind Ocean Technology’s vision is to deliver the lowest cost of wind energy at sea and we're making great strides towards achieving this through our innovative and cost-efficient solutions that have been patented, proven and have achieved first phase certification.


Seawind aims to build and operate its 6.2MW floating offshore wind turbine off the coast of Portugal to obtain DNV GL type certification for bankability of its low-cost offshore wind energy system. Seawind’s patented 2-bladed wind turbine with teetering hinge on a concrete floating structure, eliminates blade pitching while the turbine reacts to the floating foundation motion strongly reducing the platform oscillations. The teetering rotor reacts to the foundation motion eliminating bending moments on the turbine shaft. The combined mitigating actions lead to an important reduction of the fatigue loads on turbine and tower, therefore reducing OpEx and CapEx and extending system life-time.


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