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SOLAR WIFI ECO BIN “One street corner at the time.
"Data-Driven Smart Waste Management”
You Can Earn A Lot of Money giving things away, 

With Solar Wifi Eco Bins  can help cities and businesses to be smarter with waste management and improve the well-being of citizens understand production of waste in your locations  Improve the environment in your city or business, Provide citizens and users with more efficient waste management, evaluate the bin infrastructure in terms of density, efficiency and cost, optimize waste bin capacity, location, and type, optimize waste collection frequencies, be able to collect waste on demand, reflecting the actual need, relieve traffic congestion in city related to regular waste collection routes.  Provide citizens with free mobile app enabling to find nearest available empty bin, directions and single click notification to the operators, understand the waste you manage, predict when the bin will be full, plan the pick-ups in advance. eliminate the disposal of half-empty and empty bins, see if the bins have actually been emptied, adjust bin capacity or location, manage waste smarter and cut costs.  Our app informs people of the nearest-available empty bin and enables them to be more environmentally responsible for waste disposal. providing real-time feedback via the app, citizens can report any issues and thus help reduce overflowing and messy bins, making the city greener, cleaner and free of litter. 

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