
SMRJ (SME Support Japan)

Business support network |




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About your organization

SME Support JAPAN (SMRJ) provides comprehensive tailored support according to the individual needs of SMEs in collaboration with government agencies, SME support organizations, financial institutions and research institutions.


Support for Start-ups / New Business Developement

We provide various support measures including consultation at advice counters and dispatching experts, in order to resolve problems related to start-ups and new business development.


Support for SME growth / development

We provide support towards business enhancement, such as responding to the advanced management issues of SMEs, in collaboration with local SME support organizations.


Support SMEs with safety nets

We provide “security” through a small-scale enterprise mutual aid system and business safety mutual relief system to those who wish to be prepared for future what-ifs.


Support infrastructure

We offer support in terms of infrastructure to those who wish to improve facilities, or who are looking for new sites/ space for business. 

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