

Company | France


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Prior to deploying the technology as part of large tidal commercial arrays, SABELLA promotes a short-term strategy that answers the immediate energetic challenges faced by remote off-grid communities. This model is tailored for off-grid islands with fossil-based energy and is named accordingly the “Fuel Free Islands” model.

In regions where the local electrical grids are not connected to the main networks, electricity production is mainly, and even sometimes completely, relying upon an energetic model based on small production units powered by fossil fuels. Without a multi-source energy mix, the cost of energy per MWh can be 5 to 10 times higher than in interconnected areas, not to mention the environmental impact of greenhouse gases emissions.

Having identified this economic background favourable to the market penetration of innovative but not yet mature tidal energy solutions, SABELLA focuses on off-grid areas for its first deployments. By coupling its technology to other renewable energy sources like wind or solar, backed up by an energy storage system, SABELLA promotes and spreads a new viable carbon-free and sustainable energy model.

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