
Photanol B.V.

Company | Netherlands

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Petro-chemicals mean mining more fossil fuel, emitting more carbon. They’re also resource, land and time thirsty - the kind of industry that has led to a planet out of balance. The Photanol solution helps reset that balance.

We can create any carbon compound. Which means we can make the monomers used for different plastics, the ingredients for personal care products and detergents; even fuels - clean, renewable and circular. All thanks to innovation that follows nature’s lead.

Photanol works with the superpower of cyanobacteria to photosynthesize. Optimizing the bacteria to absorb more CO2, adapting its metabolic pathways to produce a desired chemical. Transforming the bacteria into highly-efficient mini factories that run on sunlight, produce just oxygen as by-product and need radically less land and water than traditional variants. All primed for scalability thanks to Photanol’s platform technology.

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